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THE BUZZ ON 420 OUTBACK-Stoney 11/01/03
The annals of rock & roll are filled with bands who last just long enough to make but a flicker on the eye of history. Some merely a footnote, others the creation of brief, yet wild hysteria and mayhem. Then there are those who just seem as if they are gone as soon as they arrive. 420 OUTBACK's road started some 5 years ago, but to many, it may seem as if the bands' star burned out just as the band started to reach it's peak. Co-founder Doug James spills the beans on 420 OUTBACK. (photo-Gabe Miller rocks the Imperial-December 1992).

LL – I guess the first question everyone wants to know is: has Augusta seen the last of 420 Outback?
DJ – Unfortunately, yes. I initially intended to carry on with it, but it became almost instantly clear to me that without all five of us, it was just a sad imitation, and I didn't want to go out like that.

LL – So if 420 is continuing, who at this time will it consist of?
DJ – We are continuing, just not with each other. Gabe and Ryan are currently working on a hard rock band called Knowface with some of the former members of Lythium, and Jo Bone and myself are working on a new-age hippie project called Local Ghost with some of the former members of Happy Bones. Jongo is taking some time to himself.

LL – So what were the reasons behind the split?
DJ – I think the main reason is that we were growing in different directions artisticly. We've always drawn from different inspirations and we just had to follow the paths that were laid out before us. Unfortunately, those paths weren't going the same way. But make no mistake, there is no bad blood between us and the 420 family is alive and well. We all support each other completely in whatever we do.

LL – Now it was only 9 months ago that the band were raking it in at the Lokal Loudness Awards show. Many were expecting a complete 420 Outback takeover on the lokal scene. Did you feel any pressure to follow up on that momentum
DJ – No, not really. I was very thrilled with the response to CDXX, but I never felt like that was something that we would have to match or somehow top. It sounds selfish, but I make music for myself first, and just kind of take it on faith that someone, somewhere will be able to connect with it. Sometimes that happens, other times it doesn't. I'm sure that what music comes from the two new bands will rival anything that 420 did. But we'll leave that up to the public to decide.

LL – Now shortly after the bands debut disc was released, you had mentioned being more excited about work getting started on it’s follow-up. Will any of that material reach the ears of 420 fans?
DJ – Doubtful, but you never know. There may be a song or two in the old vault.

LL – You, as much as, if not more, than anyone in 420 Outback, know that there are a large amount of loyal 420 fans in Augusta. If you could sit down with them all at once, what would you say to them?
DJ – I'd first have to thank everyone that ever came to a show, bought some merchandise, or copied the cd and sent it to everyone they know. Someone told me once that CDXX was the "most stolen cd in town". Now that's something to be proud of. I'd also tell them not to worry, because there's still plenty of music and good times to be had by all, no matter what the name of the band on stage, and to never forget that it's always 4:20... outback.

LL – Since 420 was first formed, you guys has grown up a lot. Some getting married, having kids, etc. Did that growth have any affect on the bands “classic” lineup splitting?
DJ – I don't see that as being a major reason for the split. If anything that is an inspiration to work harder.

LL – So looking back, what are some of your most cherished 420 Outback memories?
DJ – My favorite 420 memory was the show we opened for Seven Mary Three in August 2002. Ree told me that I was going to be a daddy while we were loading up for that show, and later that night we blew the national boys off the f**king stage in front of a packed house at the Crossroads. I was on cloud 9 that whole night.

LL – Anything you would have changed?
DJ - Nothing. I believe that everything that has happened occured exactly as it was supposed to.

LL – In 20 years how would you like 420 Outback to be remembered on the Augusta music scene?
DJ – I think it would be nice to be remembered at all. It makes no difference how.

LL – Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for Lokal Loudness & 420 Fans.
DJ - Any time, Stoney.