Since barely being able to walk, John "Stoney" Cannon has been a pop culture junkie taking an early love of drawing and the radio and turning it into a lifetime of creativity. Blessed with early life as a military dependent, Stoney's youth was a journey filled with a massive love for music, sports and visual creativity leading to his first summer job in Junior High in a printing factory in Germany. An addiction for music magazines and rock and roll biographies morphing into songwriting and music journalism. With time taken up running media company Lokal Loudness, playing in bands, co-hosting radio, internet and television wrestling programs and running several businesses, visual creativity took a back seat for the better part of thirty years. Not until the pandemic did Stoney return to painting following his first attempt at writing his own book.
Since the release of music history book Hooked Onna Feelin in 2001, it has been music and wrestling that have taken a back seat, this time to painting. In the past three years Stoney's creations have found homes across the world as well as on many an area gallery wall including at the Arts & Heritage Center where his huge painting "Delilah" took the prize for Best in Show for his first Fall Into Art showing.
Rolling into 2004 things don't appear to be slowing down. First came Stoney's third consecutive appearance at Augusta's Wet Paint Party followed by a return to the live performing of poetry and songs and in the spring, the first edition in his new book series, Sorry We Missed Your Call arrives. In addition, there's always the occasional commission work as well as speaking and performance appearances.